Looks like a Fisheries Protection vessel

After a day during which I finished the most recent Bruno, Chef of Police book, in two sessions interrupted by an hour of gardening and also washing the pollen off the cars, I had only a single photo taken this morning. I've included that as an extra as I was sure I had heard the whistle of a cuckoo, and then seen and photographed this bird. Which looks so unlike a cuckoo. The colours and the beak, and the overall appearance looks like a greenfinch.

I was wondering about trying to get a photo of the sunset. Delayed rather longer than I should and the sun was below the horizon when I had a look, and in the absence of clouds the western sky was uninspiring. Looked eastwards over Kawau Bay, towards the Hauraki Gulf and Aotea (Great Barrier Isloand), and saw an unusually shaped ship in the bay. Got a photo with the effects of the setting sun colouring the sky and lending colour also to the grey boat. No identification that I could see.

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