
By dfb24

Snow flakes...

...that fortunately melted as they hit the ground, although you can see a few in Mae's hair as she was trying to catch them on her tongue.  Tom woke up this morning with the left side of his face swollen--he's got a very sore tooth on that side, and I'd just called the dentist yesterday about it, but the soonest they could see him is Monday. I called the Oncologist, who put Tom on an antibiotic which will hopefully help until he can see the dentist. And yesterday afternoon we got the news that my 96 y.o. aunt had passed away at 11:11 am........so she died on 11/11 at 11:11....just like her to go out memorably!  It was also Veterans Day which always meant a lot to her, as my uncle, who's been dead for many years, was a prisoner of war in Germany during WWII and she was always so grateful that he, unlike so many others, made it home.  I'm so happy that I went to see her the past two Wednesdays & got to tell her I loved her. She's said for a long time that she was ready to go, and now she's with HER Tom, her sisters, her brother and her parents.    
 I called my brother yesterday because we've been having problems with the tank of the toilet not filling properly, and he gave me instructions over the phone of things to try in order to fix it. None of them worked, so he said he'd come today and fix it for us. He's a retired plumber, has some health issues & lives over an hour away so I told him I'd just call a local plumber as I didn't want him driving all this way. He and my sister-in-law said they didn't mind as they'd like to see us--it's been a long time since we'd been together. They came, brought the pictures from their trip out East last month, and I fixed them lunch in return for the free work. It was the most animated I've seen Tom in weeks, so I'm grateful they came. Then Jennie stopped over with the girls & they got to visit too, & in between that, I texted my sister to wish her a happy birthday. Some happy things going on, and some sad things happening, but that's life, isn't it. Makes me appreciate the good times all the more.  (I put a photo of yesterday's close up in the extras. It's an old potato masher.)  :)

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