Dale Dike Reservoir

Stanley had an upset stomach last night and woke me three times to go down to see to him. He was obviously feeling very sorry for himself, but when it was time to get up it was as if nothing had happened and he has been his usual self.
A walk this morning around Dale Dike Reservoir for the autumn colours. There were a number of other people there with their cameras with the same idea. The image I have chosen to blip illustrates that we are now in that late autumn period when some trees have lost their leaves and the colours on those remaining are striking. It has been a dull overcast day with very low cloud and misty rain that later lifted a little. The reservoirs are all lacking in water with exposed beaches that, in this image, created a divide to mark the reflection from the trees and fields. We were surprised by the number of people coming to swim in the reservoir this morning. Some are clearly experienced 'wild' swimmers but some appeared to be less well prepared. 
COP26 seems to have achieved some positive outcomes but 'too little too late' means that what has to be achieved in the next decade has to be 'much more, more quickly'. My father always said, "Don't put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today." World leaders seem all to have learnt how to kick a can down the road. 

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