In Which the Fawn Comes Home

Our run of gorgeous, warm, September-like weather lasted all week, but it ended on Saturday, when temperatures dropped and the sky began to spit fat flurries. Over the weekend, things took an almost wintry turn, with the addition of blustery winds and a few snow squalls here and there.

We looked out the deck windows and spotted a small form lying in our woods. I quickly ran for the camera and snapped a few shots of this young, fuzzy deer, which appears to have taken refuge here. It stayed a little while, then disappeared. (I am posting this a day later; the fawn was back again this morning.)

We believe this to be one of the fawns that spent so many days here with us in summertime, grown up a bit, with its new fluffy fall coat. (I'll provide some links to prior fawn shots below.) The fawns enjoyed hanging out in Barb's butterfly garden, and one even spent most of the hottest days keeping cool under our deck!

This fawn was alone, and that worried us some, but fawns often appeared in our yard alone throughout the summer, so it's no big change, really. I wish it had a family group to hang out with, but this is where we're at. Clearly, it considers this "home" and it is welcome to hang out here (and/or under the deck) anytime it likes!

In other news, my husband and I took a four- to five-mile hike in the Scotia Barrens on this day, and visited some of the beaver ponds at the bottom. It was our first walk in the snow (just flurries, really). You may see a photo of this green, wild place in the extras.

Our soundtrack song is one you've heard before from me, and it's a fave, so here she is again: Bonnie Raitt, with Feels Like Home.

The summer of the fawns, links:
A Fawn in Our Meadow (June 27)
The Fawn in Barb's Butterfly Garden (July 3)
Fawn in the Meadow (July 19)
The Fawns' Vacation Destination: Our Yard! (July 25)
The Inquisitive Fawn: Who Are You? (July 27)

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