If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


A busy day!  By 8:15 we were at B&Q, then on to Screwfix, and after that to Katkatkat's new house.  All manner of jobs presented themselves and I was soon put to work.  By just before 12:00 I had covered 6,000 steps a sort of average number for me most days.

In between jobs, I took a few minutes to have a stroll around her garden.  One of the first things to catch my eye as I stepped out of the back door was a container with this pretty little Fuschia in.  I did take other shots around the garden but this one won.

After our evening meal, we were off again this time with a carload of house plants and Milo's spare Vivarium.  Milo is her Royal Python and she wants the Viv in the house and temperature stabilized before they need to move Milo into the new house.  Then the larger Viv can be brought over and the process repeated.

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