Trip to the city

Stressed out first thing as I was due to go into the city and I couldn’t find my bus card. I had only used it yesterday and which had over £80 of tickets on it! In the end I downloaded some tickets onto my phone, but the app is a pain to use compared to the card.  Just as I was leaving I grabbed some clothes to put on the washing pile and the card fell out of my cardigan pocket - phew!  I had a double decker bus all to myself for the first half of the journey so had to sit up top at the front as you do!  First stop was the Covid vaccination centre to get my booster jab - very well organised, but half an hour to get to the actual point of the jab - mostly queuing outside, and then 15 minutes to wait afterwards.  Then had a wander round the city centre.  Walking down the side of City Hall I realised that in all the years I have walked down there I had never noticed the iron balconies on the side of the building!  The area around the “Mirror Pool” was quiet, and beyond it looks as though they are moving on with the renovations of the old cinema which is to become a music venue.  Had a wander into Waterstones to admire the beautiful building, and especially the wonderful ceiling.  Was going to treat myself to a coffee there, but the cafe was full!  Never mind - a nice time looking at books and a mental list made of ones to read in the future. As I still had some time before my bus home I went to visit the Broadway Centre.  It has been there for some time now, but I’ve never been in.  Last stop was M&S, but I was disappointed to find they had none of the items in stock which I wanted.  Back to shopping online then. Caught my bus home, and went straight to join friends for 3 & go at the local pub. A good day all in all.  My arm is aching now - not had that before, but it’s fine.

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