Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Another fuchsia

A more delicate one*, with variegated leaves, bought (if I remember rightly) from Beth Chatto.  It's in the pond bed, and we** moved it in the early spring because it was being overwhelmed by the salvia near it.  So it was slow to get going this year, but now continues very happily.  

I helped with the touching up work today - as in I stood and held a piece of skirting board against the wall with my foot for 7 minutes or so whilst the glue fixed.  But other than that I once again skived in the studio - a bit more sewing and a lot of flute practice as I have a lesson tomorrow!

* for Munroist4113.  The other fuchsia is still flowering, and we have a delicate white one which has no open flowers at the moment, but many buds.

** that's the royal "we", you understand!

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