A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer

Snow Surprise


The title derives from a children's book, an alternative take on the classic stories. The 'beanstalk' one involved quantities of (baked) beans described as 'Beans', 'More Beans', and "Bean Surprise (Beans with beans on top)."

For friends and colleagues who worry at the sight of 40 mm of snow, this is what 40 inches looks like. He only thing stopping it being deeper is that the gap between the drystone walls is now entirely full.

Structurally, it was 'mostly stable': Step... Step... Step... Yikes!

Cupcake had a particular talent for finding 40-inch holes to disappear into.

We eventually got to Monsall Head, had a meal at the pub there and headed back by what was supposed to be an easier route. That turned out to be Mud Surprise instead.

Finished the day with a meal and beer at the Temple pub in Matlock Bath

This isn't the greatest of photographs, but it reflects the amazing walk - I'll put the prettier ones in the Folio sometime.

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