
By dunkyc


As the puffa parade continues to pour into our little town, Kendal has never been so well insulated.

Popping into town for a few essentials this morning, I was relieved to turn on my heel and leave it again to escape the crowds that had amassed to watch the closing stretch of the annual fell race. Felt pretty annoyed actually as there is never anyone about to clap and cheer for me as I sprint the last 100 yards of my run…

I had to get back to meet Simmo who’d suggested a walk over Grange way to escape the throng, which suited me as it is ALWAYS sunny in Grange over Sands. Except it wasn’t. The mizzle drizzle turned to rain which came in in waves and I couldn’t help but notice that the walk we were doing kept taking us higher and exposing us to the elements more and more.

We didn't let it ruin our sunny dispositions (see extra).

It was a bracing stroll, but good to have a catch up and we eventually made it back to the car where we sat for a bit having a cake and a hot chocolate whilst we watched two squirrels playing in the trees. I tried to take some photos, but they were all useless. We headed back to Kendal enshrouded in steam as the car seat warmers set to work on our behinds.

A nice evening with Paula followed as we sat and watched Strictly, commenting with absolute expert authority on where the dancers had gone wrong. We both needed a stroll, so thought we’d go and check out the evening life of the festival (puffa party?) and discovered a silent disco, a girl band playing some folksy tunes and the tent by the brewery full of really expensive puffas and artisan beers. We headed for a drink soon after that, but found our local over run with fit young people who were clearly not from around here.

The blip today is through a heavily fortified monument (flood works being carried out nearby) and looking up at Kendal Castle lit by the moon (and lighting).

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