A quiet day

I spent several hours today working on Lex's calendar.  The task is harder because I've been in a really low place for a while and that makes it difficult to concentrate. I've been having trouble finding quotes I like for The Artist's Why 2022, so I went back to the very first calendar I made (in 2005!) and found great quotes there, as well as in other early calendars.  So the quotes will come from there; now I have to find the right paintings to go with them.  I'm hoping to have it done by Sunday, when we will have our Hanukkah celebration.

Otherwise a quiet day, worrying about what is happening with Lex's longtime friend, whom I've known for more than thirty years.  I don't know if she can get the support and care she needs, even with Lex's assistance, and it's on my mind a lot.  Hoping for the best.

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