
By Marionb

Seeing RED....

And lots of it..I scoured around the house today in search of red items to  accessorize the red quilt I hung up and blipped yesterday . Obviously I found more than I needed... ( see main and extra) and one does not need a lot of red to get the effect! I must admit, I often do not realize when the line of overkill has been crossed, but luckily, I caught myself today and brought in some black/white items to tone things down!  

Please note that Maggie seems to like the red...She has abandoned her boring old chair that is covered in white afghans and adopted the more flamboyant one! Which is mine! 

As a break from red, I spent some time working on blue..sewed a border of blocks on my Kaffe Blue medallion quilt and cut the next border which now awaits my attention. Once I sew what I have decided upon so far, I am at loss - and will have to do some serious thinking about what comes next...Never fear, I should be able to delay getting to that point for quite some time yet...heh heh..I am very good at procrastinating. 

The weather was milder today - rainy and dreary but milder..which meant that the soil in my back garden urns thawed! I have been out there very day trying to insert all those branches and greenery my daughter cut for me last week into those urns, but alas the soil was frozen! Today was my lucky day...

So, I got a fair bit accomplished today..and even managed to finish the last of my library books and start in on one of my new purchases! 

Wow..It has been a A RED LETTER DAY...  

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