An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Colour my world!

Backblipped 26.11.21

Lola had her six monthly check at the vet in regard to her tick medication.  All well thank goodness :-)))

The last couple of times she's been to see the vet she's been fat shamed told she needs to lose a little weight.  We couldn't understand how she had gained weight as she's fed a raw diet  with the quantity strictly controlled and any snacks she gets are healthy, such as raw carrots, green beans, strawberries, water melon, the odd raw egg with shell and a Feelwell's bedtime biscuit.

Then we realised that perhaps the reason Lola loves spending so much time with members of Alan's team might be due to the fact they were generous with titbits.

After a chat telling them all they must resist her sad brown eyes and reducing her raw food quantities even further, the vet weighed her and announced she has gone down from 36 kilos to her target weight of 32.5kg!  Yay :-)))

I was hopeful of a good result because when Janice was here yesterday she kept exclaiming "Lola!  You are a skinny malink!"  Janice owns Lola's brother Ted and he's a big lad (not fat just a big lad) so Lola does seem dainty by comparison (well as dainty as a big ball of golden fluff can get!  :-))  Anyway, we can now increase her raw food again to a maintenance level and she got an egg and some mackerel as a well done treat.

Meanwhile I stayed home waiting for a special delivery.  

For a long, long time I have coveted a set of Faber Castell polychromos coloured pencils but never been able to justify the cost.  Imagine my delight when I got an email from Jacksons (art supplier) the other day advising early Black Friday deals with 50% off sets of Faber Castell pencils.  Woo hoo!  And this afternoon they arrived.

I was working on Anna's blanket when the precious parcel landed on my lap.  Oh the joy of opening that little tin and being hit by that glorious pencil rainbow!  Beautiful oil based lead coloured with the purest artist's pigments.  I can't wait to try them out.  I will take them away with me on Saturday and hopefully spend a relaxing hour or two having some fun with them.  I also bought some mixed media paper so I expect there will watercolour paint, ink and pencil all getting thrown on it at some point!  I shall name my creation Dug's Breakfast!  :-)))

I was also tickled by how well the pencils colours matched the colours in Anna's blanket.  It's the simple things that makes me happy :-))

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