Lifting Mist

I love the way some days a ribbon of mist flows across the mountain from the east. We never know whether it is coming or going. This morning I called it wrong and didn't wear warm enough clothes. We had a somewhat complex schedule occasioned by the fact that Spike had a appointment with the doggy eye doctor, I had my first in-studio Pilates class in almost two years at an hour later, and we only have one car. I hated to cancel out of the first class, since I felt that they started it especially for me and a few others who expressed grave concern about balancing on a moving carriage, so John dropped me off at the coffee place across the street from the Pilates studio.

The fog didn't lift and instead of being warm in the coffee place, it was freezing. The Pilates class was excellent and it was really good to be warmly welcomed back into the studio, but despite the fact that we were working out, I didn't get much warmer. 

The news from the doggy eye doctor was not good. Spike's other retina has atrophied, and he is now totally blind.  We made the appointment with the eye doctor because we suspected that his vision was getting worse. But suspicion and confirmation  are two different things. Nothing, of course,  has changed for Spike  and he gets around remarkably well and is still the same affectionate dog,  but John and I are feeling a bit gutted.

The two Gustavos are back again, one doing a beautifully artistic job on the bathroom tile and the other moving the giant vase in our back yard to make way for as big an olive tree as they can fit through the gate. We loved the sound of running water but suspected a leak somewhere and didn't want to waste the water so we turned it off.  The olive tree will give some shade and height to the back yard planting.

Now we have to figure out where to put the giant vase.

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