Riderless Bicycle

This is an image I shamelessly stole from John's Caltech alumnae magazine. It is well produced and interesting, and almost always has interesting 'art' in it. Not bad for a university with a reputation for math and science.
Here is a bit of the story behind the image, which also explains why I feel free to publish it:

In 2004, while a graduate student at Caltech, Matthew cook (PhD '05) created this evocative illustration that shows various paths a bike with no rider might take before it falls over. Developed as part of a study of how artificial intelligence might learn to ride a bike, the visualization has resurfaced and spread on social media numerous times since its publication. Each line represents one of 800 simulator runs, each of which ends when the riderless two wheeler topples.
--Caltech Magazine, Fall 2021

John was a senior at Caltech when I met him and the institution had something of a reputation among us high school girls for being home to wonks and weirdos. High school think for sure. Once I had met John I also met a lot of his classmates and was quickly disabused of the idea. It is a respected institution which has turned out Nobel laureates, medical researchers, planetary scientists, physicists and even historians. Our friend and John's former roommate went on to work on the battery project organized by the big three American automakers with an eye to developing electric vehicles. 

Inside Gustavo was here today working on the bathroom tile. He thinks he will finish the tile tomorrow and the grout on Saturday. I keep reading about labor shortages and the inability of small businesses to hire enough workers. Perhaps as a result of that the ones that are working seem to be working non-stop.

Our neighbors on both sides who are trying to rebuild seem to be trapped in a sea of red tape and delays. For example, one neighbor told John that the county requires fire sprinklers in all new houses, and since there is no water if the power goes out, they have to install a big gravity fed water tank to run the sprinklers. I have heard more stories about fire sprinklers malfunctioning and ruining floors and furniture than I have of them putting out fires. They do nothing to protect against wildfires....

We are all tired today...ready for an early dinner and bed.

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