a lifetime burning

By Sheol


Much to my amazement, the scaffolders turned up today to erect a tower for the roofer.  So you never know, maybe we will get the ridge repaired before Christmas.

Although it didn't actually rain much today, the forecasting app indicated that the humidity was close to 100% today and it rather felt like it.  I rather gather that rain is however likely to be the dominant weather feature for the next week, barring the occasional dry day.  The birds like this little blue tit, seem to love the slightly milder but damper conditions.

While I was watching for things to take for today's blip I solved "The Mystery of the Patio".  Something has been digging up the unplanted earth separating the new patio from the lawn.  In due course it will be colonised by the lawn, but at the moment its just soil, and soil that seems to regularly end up on the patio.  We had thought that it was the local squirrel trying to find the nuts he had buried. But no, it turned out that the culprit is a blackbird who regularly digs up the soil in the hope of finding worms...

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