The Big Reveal

Got the Jag today, wow, what a moment for a balding old fart who only ever dreamt of such a thing. It is a dream come true. 

I would like to say the day was all about the car but I would be lying. 

Before collecting the car I had loaded my estate up with kit to go back to Gary's as the bricklaying is finished. Cement mixer for a start. Just as I was ready to leave the roofer arrived. Late, but thankfully on the right day. Then as he was unloading, the wagon came to deliver door frames and piping and plaster boards for the extension. Blocking the road- I began to panic. Then, whilst the roofer was using a blow lamp to dry the roof out to apply the first layer of felt, my wife flung open the window to shout.. "Come quick, Kathy's Bush is on fire!!"


Cut a long story short, delivery delivered. Roof roofed. Cement mixer returned. Kathy's bush put out. Car collected and returned safely home and I am now recovering from what has been an epic day in the life of Mr and Mrs I.

Weekend now, think I might have to wash some cars tomorrow. As well as go and look at showers and tiles and kitchen units, and try and fit in a little run out with the cat. Though to be fair I am just happy to sit and look at it. Hope I don't wake up, this dream is a good one. 

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