Colinton Tunnel

We managed to wrap our Christmas presents for people elsewhere and took them to the post office in Colinton, mainly because I was not confident in that nearer to us - last year the teller checked the size of my calendar three times and refused to acknowledge that it was Printed Paper (or the current equivalent). Overseas Blippers may not be aware that our postal services are now mainly located as one teller in the back of a  general shop. Anyway, although we had to queue, everything was managed in an orderly and efficient manner.

Thus relieved of our burden we cut through Spylaw Park to the Colinton Tunnel, trying to spot any differences since our last visit. apart from Ivor The Engine, which we knew had been completed.. I did like the collection of animals for today's blip, though they do not appear in the actual poem, From A Railway Carriage, by R L Stevenson, upon which the decoration is based.

We called in to the Co-op an the way back to the car for a few provisions in case the weather forecast for snow tomorrow is proved accurate.

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