
By BecksC

Crazy chaotic day

So today was none stop, literally. My husband woke up poorly so we left him to sleep and had a trip out.

The day started off rocky with the house a tip and kids not listening to me. I told them if they wanted to go to the park, to get dressed, I even laid out their clothes etc. Left them to get dressed whilst I tidied the kitchen, came back to find that they weren't. Asked then again and went to clear the car, 5 mins later, nothing. Another 5 mins later, screams from the youngest as my eldest had hurt him. Lost my rag unfortunately and shouted at them, but after this point, they did get dressed. I finished enjoying the car and we got in, ready to set off.

I apologised for shouting and said we all need to try to be kinder and nicer to each other, and to use our listening ears. Hopefully some of it sank in....

Anyway, headed to my grandma's to see my mum, played some retro/vintage board games including rebound, the kids got to play with since vintage toy cars and I got to say bye to mum before she left to go home to Essex.

We then left my grandma's, deciding to head to the park, where my youngest son's tooth fell out. He had complained it was wobbly at my grandma's, but we gave it a wiggle and it didn't want to move. As we pulled up at the park, out it fell and on to the floor of the car with much upset from him as it was bleeding! Thankfully once we had mopped up the blood quickly and he soon forgot about it, as he ran happily to play on the park.

We then had a surprise because Father Christmas and Rudolph turned up on a classic Landover. I had no idea that it was happening, it was by chance, that their was a Father Christmas tour around the local village.

We then eventually made it home and I collapsed on the chair. Oliver wrote a letter to the tooth fairy and we had bath/bed time.

Phew! I was exhausted but the kids were happy. That's the most important thing.

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