Let's Do It Again...

Something Will used to say when he was little about something we had already done with him a hundred times has become an oft repeated phrase in our family. And low and behold, someone else with the same mantra has joined our family. But Spike says it with his eyes....

David and Greg showed up today to start putting the bathroom back together again. The big cupboard and the door have been reinstalled, David is working on refacing the vanity drawers and I think Greg did some painting or prepping for paint. I kind of liked the room without the big cupboard, but we can't keep all the stuff that was in it on the guest bedroom floor forever. The wall of toilet rolls isn't that attractive.

I was pleased to be able to take myself out of the house to get a haircut and then, chuffed with my ability to stand up relatively straight, stopped by the nearby nursery to get some poinsettias in lieu of a Christmas tree. The usually lush display was looking a bit leggy this year, but feeling a bit leggy myself, I bought a couple. They didn't even have to ask if I qualified for their senior's discount and carried my purchases out to the car for me.

I put up our little wire Charlie Brown Christmas tree on the coffee table and decided that, although I did locate the bag of tiny ornaments for it, I liked it as it is with its own rather restrained little baubles, its rock base and its twisted wire branches, which I will be tweaking and reshaping until I wrap it up again for next year. That might be the theme for this holiday season...lots of tweaking and reshaping....

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