
If one looks around, there are lines everywhere, and i had fun playing with the new Snapseed app on my phone but in the end, I liked the convergence of lines between the end of our house and the roof.

In the past month the weather has veered from drought to torrential rain, 80degrees F (26C) to just above freezing, sometimes all in one day. Even the plants are confused. Driving across town today we saw trees with both autumn leaves and spring blossoms and  blooming tulip trees next to bare grapevines. I have spent most days in turtleneck sweaters and sweatshirts, not sartorially elegant but the necessary layers needed to keep pace with the temperature changes both in and outside the house.

The bathroom has been painted and swept, cleared of plastic, tarps and  tools. David is  putting in new runners for the drawers and making new fronts for the vanity. It's not quite back together yet but it is usable. 

My back is still cranky but by judicious position changes ranging from walking and standing to sitting and lying flat on my back with my legs on a chair I am able to manage it and still get something done.

 We are having our coffee group here tomorrow for an appetizer dinner, our preferred stress free way to gather together and have yummy food without a lot of hassle for anyone. We've had formal dinners and  lunches and really enjoy getting together, but the pot luck appetizer meal has become a regular event.

John is going to barbecue chicken wings with Tim's recipe for Buffalo chicken wings with a blue cheese dipping sauce. Very American and possibly incomprehensible to readers from other hemispheres, but take my word for it, they are delicious. Tim used to make them for tailgate picnics in the parking lot before Raider games for which he and John had season tickets. They had a wonderful time while it lasted, but Tim's growing family, the Raiders' falling fortunes and the rising cost of season tickets eventually conspired to put an end to it.

Maybe we can start a whole new tradition based on chicken wings....


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