Poinsettia and Santa

The oft photographed table by the front door is now dressed in its Christmas finery.  
Because the main item is a poinsettia it is my entry for Flower Friday.

Aside from our usual delightful gathering for coffee this morning, it’s been a quiet day. PG&E finished their installation of gas lines to the rock house, filled in their trench and the hole at the bottom of our lawn and withdrew, taking with them all of their trucks and the two traffic control guys who have been camped at the bottom of our driveway for two weeks, leaving behind only the trench digger and the flatbed trailer required to take it away.

Our neighbors on the other side are moving in next week. We have said we will make dinner for them and put some champagne on ice. We’ll also make sure their bed is made, because it will be their first night back at home since Sept 27, 2020

I went over to the nursery and bought ten feet of cedar garland for the mantel. It gets very hot in there so I also bought a sprayer of ‘moisture guard’ which they swore would keep it from dying in a spot right above the fire. Cedar does have the advantage of not having needles to get stuck in the floorboards and drapes beautifully. The woman helping me was grateful that I had measured how much I needed before I got there, and I thanked the cashier for asking if I qualified for the senior citizen’s discount.

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