
Strava Day 192/75 Hard Off Phase Day 10. Second time to go uphill, "outside" for brisk walking. There are a lot of stray dogs in this path and I still have the fear of the unknown ---animal but challenged myself to overcome it as calm as I possibly could. For the 5:55 photo series, I have been practicing to not multi-task and just focus on looking for an image with a possible story.
Around half a mile from home, I saw this store with a man sweeping the front area. The store itself makes an okay photo because of how organized and colorful the items are but the tricycle's blur adds a slice of life bit as this vehicle is something you would not see elsewhere other than the Philippines. I was in the middle of the street as I shot this which is a little risky but not dangerous. This was not a highway and at this time, the road is nearly empty.
Meanwhile, I am reminded of how Schmidt in New Girl has a dedicated "Douchebag Jar" where he has to put in money every time he makes a comment under that category. Thought I need a jar where I should put in something of value/a post it of self-affirmation every time I start to overthink and self-doubt.
Massively grateful daily to have everything I need: something to do, someone to love and something to hope for. Not afraid to lose any "thing" at the moment because I have several times imagined myself with nothing. Reality of course would be different but a little preparation will not hurt.
Here's to you getting up today. Have a good one!

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