Little Bird

I bought this glass robin as a Christmas present for Mrs C in 2019, the intention being that all the redecoration of the house should be complete by Xmas 2020 and it would be proudly displayed with all the other decorations. In the meantime, it could be kept safely in our Chester flat.
As we all now know, not only was the work on the house not even started in 2020, but Christmas was cancelled as well. We didn’t even have the option of looking at the robin as it was down in Chester when the lockdown was announced and we didn’t see it until April.
But the decorating is now finished. We have places to display ornaments once again. And we happen to find ourselves in Chester for an overnight stay, so the robin can be repatriated to Kendal tomorrow and put on display in its rightful home.
We were slightly unsure about staying over in Chester. We have a concert in Liverpool tonight and did just consider driving there and back this evening. But we do need to bring some items back from the flat before Christmas and I really ought to check in with mother as I haven’t seen her for a while.
So we have arrived in Chester in good time and will have an early tea in the flat before catching the train over to Liverpool. There might even be time tomorrow to pop into Waitrose and get some posh food for next week. But we can’t hang around too long in the morning before heading home, as I am playing at a gig tomorrow night and will need to be back in good time to get through to Barrow and set up.
But this evening is all about listening to other musicians - specifically Madness, supported by Squeeze. It promises to be a great night!

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