Wreck On The Highway

I had been tasked with uploading pictures of mum’s car to the repair company’s website, so they can make an initial assessment as to what work is required. I was told by the policeman who attended the accident that the car was still drivable but I wouldn’t like to go far in it as there are no lights on the passenger side and the dashboard is lit up with warning messages about all the functions that no longer work! I got soaked trying to take the pictures, had to consult the handbook to find out where the VIN plate was, and the crappy 3G signal where mum lives meant each picture took ages to upload. Hopefully I will hear soon when they can come and pick it up. It’s probably too much to hope that they’ll write it off. That would de facto stop mum driving as no one would be prepared to go with her to buy a new car, and she wouldn’t go on her own!
In a similar vein, we failed at the first attempt to get her to sign a power of attorney. She understands what one is - and really wants it in place - but couldn’t understand the solicitors terms of engagement letter, which had to be signed first. The solicitor explained it to her and I explained it as well in really simple terms. Then the solicitor asked “do you know what this letter is?” “No, I haven’t got a clue” was the reply. End of meeting. Next step is to get her in front of a doctor for a professional assessment of her mental capacity. Which, if it goes badly, might also result in her driving licence being taken away. Could be a high stakes assessment!
Whilst she can function perfectly adequately on a day to day basis - wash, dress and feed herself as well as going shopping or out for a coffee - the slightest bit of “officialese” sends her into a tailspin and she just gives it to me to deal with. Which I can’t do properly without a Power of Attorney. We may be in a vicious circle here…

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