On The Level

Last nights session with the Brasso has resulted in these items looking a lot more presentable. I love old tools - they just seem to be so much more tactile and attractive than their modern equivalents. Give me brass and wood over plastic any day. All these were discovered whilst clearing out the in-laws house and we suspect they belonged to Mrs C’s grandfather as he was the master builder in the family. The little screwdriver and the spirit level have fairly obvious uses, but I’m unsure as to how - or when - you would use the other two tools. I’m also not sure what they would be called, so can’t even resort to Google for an answer!
It’s been another cold, damp day but at least I’ve got a few things sorted. A chap bought the old computer desk I’d been using for the past couple of years (it was only meant to be a temporary thing for six months or so!) and collected it first thing. Which meant I had time to go to the gym for a good workout. A trip to the carpet shop meant I could settle their invoice and sort out getting the edges of a spare piece of the new carpet bound in order to make a mat for the back door.
I mentioned yesterday that I was fairly sure I’d not paid an invoice and was going to check through paperwork and emails today to see if anything came to light. It did, but not until I accessed a rarely used email account we only use in connection with our flat in Chester, and discovered I hadn’t paid last months electricity bill - oops!
The good news is that there was no email advising that tomorrow nights concert has been postponed - I’d almost convinced myself that all the shows and gigs we have scheduled for December would not go ahead once news of this new omicron variant surfaced. Looks like it’s all going ahead as planned, and our only dilemma now is whether we just go to the concert in Liverpool and come straight home or stop over in Chester and check up on mother on Friday morning. Decisions, decisions…

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