Hang On In There Baby

When Storm Arwen swept through our garden last week, it removed a lot of the leaves we had remaining on the trees and shrubs at that time. Another day of cold winds today stripped off most of what was left, yet this little leaf still clings on resolutely, despite its neighbours being long gone. I’m sure I could try to be be clever and say it’s a metaphor about the times we live in - resilience in the face of overwhelming odds or some such crap - but I won’t.
After unpacking all the books yesterday, I was surprised to find I had shelf space to spare. We’d obviously read - and moved on - more books during lockdown than I thought. But it does mean that we now have a fighting chance of finding homes for all the remaining ornaments that are currently cluttering up the dining table. A night with Brasso and polishing cloths would seem to be in order if we don’t want to eat our meals off our laps for the rest of the week.
New bedroom curtains were fitted today. Very smart looking, and the darker/heavier material should mean that I don’t wake up at silly o’clock in the summer. The sun shines directly into our bedroom from about 4am onwards and our old, light curtains did not do a very good job of keeping it out. Not a problem at this time of year though! It means that the only job left in the bedroom now is to make new shelves for the airing cupboard and I’ll try and get this done before Xmas.
Tomorrow is set to be another quiet day before it all gets a bit frantic from Thursday onwards. It might be useful to catch up on paperwork and emails, as I have a nagging feeling that I need to pay someone for something they have done to the house though, for the life me, I can’t remember whether I’ve received an invoice or not! The new desk may be up and running but the filing system still needs a lot of fine tuning and streamlining.

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