Mr Moonlight

Todays blip was going to be a very boring picture of the drainage hole for the self defrosting mechanism in our fridge. Long story short, water was pooling at the bottom of fridge because there was a blockage in the drain somewhere. A happy hour spent pulling bits off and cleaning them cured the problem.
Thankfully, we had a very bright full moon and clear skies this evening. I also noticed the castle was lit up. Trying to get both in the same shot proved to be a bit of an ask for an iPhone camera, but I’m quite pleased with this one. I would have liked the moon lower in the sky, but it wasn’t really dark enough to provide the contrast when it was closer to the castle, so I had to wait a bit longer before taking the picture. Even then, the moon was so bright it almost looks as if it’s the middle of the day!
A very annoying email this evening. The concert we are going to on Saturday is altering the timings so they can show the England World Cup match. Support act will be an hour and a half early and the main act half an late, with two hours of football stuck in the middle. I want to see both acts, but am not in the slightest bit bothered about the football. I really hope they will see sense and give us a pass out so we’re not trapped in the Arena, bored rigid and forced to pay their extortionate prices for food and drink.

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