Tools of the Trade

I appear to have been afflicted by a case of extreme torpor. I haven’t even had the energy to make a list. For me, making lists is a diversion from actually doing anything, but even that seems a step too far today. The lists I have to hand which were made weeks ago are now redundant because things have got ticked off.
I should be grateful that I don’t have to make food lists for Christmas this year. I wonder if David and Luca are making lists. Probably not. They are young and can make mental lists without the need to write everything down lest they forget.

Hopefully, soon I will find the energy to put the Christmas paper back from whence it came and return the sellotape to the drawer remembering to make a little fold in the end so that I don’t spend time trying to find it the next time I have to use it.
Did we have sticky tape back in the 50s? Or was everything tied with string?

Despite the balmy 9°, it’s a damp cold day. I have put on the heating early so that my step niece who is popping in for a cuppa later this afternoon won’t need to keep her coat on. Mustn’t complain, at least the boiler is working and not caput like 3 years ago.

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