
We did our ‘start early on a Sunday’ thing and were down in town (unfortunately before many shops were open!) to try and get some things before our booked brunch at Greenwoods. We couldn’t find gold cake decorating powder anywhere (A is making various cake pops for work this week…some decorated as snowballs, some as gold baubles and some as Christmas puddings) but got the other things and had a delicious brunch, sharing both a Scottish breakfast and their banana bread tumble.
Bus home, and she disappeared off to Hobbycraft to find the gold powder whilst I got back to work on longlisting and tackling emails. She baked and I worked most of the afternoon then I ironed and made fish pie supper whilst she cleaned. Very productive day!
Bit of an emergency blip…trying out the Emily Mariko method of storing carrots in water in the fridge to see if it avoids having them go floppy at the bottom of the veg drawer….we’ll see!
After supper we took Paisley out for a walk round the neighbourhood to give her a bit of exercise having been indoors all day. Was super windy but mild.
News all weekend of more things being cancelled and people testing positive….sigh! At least my LFT before bed was clear.

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