
Cloudy day but busy with MOOCking, gaming, and household chores...... and following the live blog and news updates of one fabulous angry young racing man called Max, who beat the odds and strategically used his options to become Formula 1 World Champion.  Yes, he did win it, and he won it fair and square, as a driver.  What might not deserve to win was the F1 organization as a whole, but Max wasn't there for the pleasure of the organizers but for his own and that of his team.  Did you see Lewis crossing a restricted part of the track to save time and didn't get so much as a whistle?  And who likes to think about the almost fatal accident 'Gentleman' Lewis caused when he caused Max to crash during the Silverstone race months ago?  Someone even suggested that Mr. Lewis was 'robbed' of his victory.  I replied, 'So the game is only fair when you win?'  No, winning should not be for bullies, and together with millions of Dutch, we are glad our Max saved the day.  Red Bull's tyre strategy had a huge part to play in the apotheosis of the entire season as well.  It was a team effort at the highest level.  Brawn and brains and heaps of confidence and courage... and a safety car that entered the stage at the most unlikely moment.  I thank the Canadian who crashed , and I hope he's okay, and Perez, who kept the bully at bay for two rounds to give Max time to get back on track.  Heroes all.

To be clear -- it's not the skating champions, or the F1 champion, or the cycling champions, for me.  It's about The Netherlands.  I love this country.  I love the Dutchies.. :D)))

This stationery was bought in 2006, and, to be precise, at Seahouses, where they organize boat tours to Lindisfarne, where I took a short holiday when AW and I were going through a rather problematic patch and I seriously considered divorcing him.  Glad that didn't push through.  Have been using it sparingly, and that is also because a lot more writing is done online now compared to 30 years ago.  A few days ago, I decided to write some notes the old-fashioned way.  It's actually a good exercise for the fingers as well as for the brain, so might do it more often.  The notes were tucked into some Xmas cards meant for foreign parts, and they've now all been mailed.  The ones for here will be posted later this week.  In any case, I was careful to keep an eye on the dates as I was very late last winter.  For those who will get it..... sorry, no decent shot of me, but a handful of those dearest to me.

Monday again tomorrow..... one more week before the solstice.  Time is flying much faster than I do on my broomstick.

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