Zoom nativity play - in the car - in Spanish

It was all a bit hectic - after meeting Ella at school gates and walking home together she and Nathaniel needed a quick tea before being equipped for Cubs/Beavers Christmas treat of snow-tubing which we had to drive to south of the river in rush hour. In addition Nathaniel had to have his tea towel (shepherd part) and crown (aking part) in his Spanish nativity. Because there’s so much Covid at his school the after school clubs were being done by zoom.
This meant I had to piggy back my iPad to my phone with 4g so that he could do it in the car while we drove to cubs. Thankfully he was au fait with all the muting etc and the session was a success. Ella even managed to be quiet and let him concentrate.

The snow-tubing was at a dry ski slope and they had such fun. The parents were asked if they wanted a go at the end - nobody wanted to except me. It was fun but I forgot I’d not find it easy to get out of the tube. Almost impossible

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