
What passes for excitement in my life these days - a wander round the next village where they go a bit more over the top that where we live. Though we are heading that way. (Actually we went last night but I did the collage today)

Today I made Tablet, a Scottish sweet. Very very sweet. I had forgotten I had to stir the boiling sugar, butter and condensed milk for half an hour then beat it with a wooden spoon for another 10 minutes. My arm aches - no doubt I’ll get RSI in the right arm now. Anyway I have cut it up and wrapped the squares in paper cases and ribbons etc to add to the little homemade gifts I was going to deliver round the village today. But it can wait - it is raining again.

So embarrassing that the government is posturing on behalf of all the UK with threats of the navy to patrol their waters to protect their fishing from the EU. Half the English fleet is foreign owned. Only a small fraction of the Scottish one is.

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