Carols on Bearsted Green

It was good to be able to attend the traditional Carols on the Green after having to miss them last year. The Salvation Army provided the music and clergy from the various churches in the village read the lesson and sermon.

The Methodist minister was very eloquent in his sermon the crux of which is that although the message is the same we are different people each time we hear it.

The newest recruit to the clergy gave the blessing in her melodious Zimbabwean voice. The collection was in aid of the Salvation Army.

Earlier we’d had a long meeting with the care home management. We found it mostly reassuring, setting up regular contact sessions and getting to the bottom of our concerns. Changes in the advice means that taking Doreen to hospital for her eye problems on a monthly basis will mean she has to self isolate for two weeks when she returns.

This morning we applied to renew Susan’s passport. Having taken thousands of photos I’d have thought I could manage to get a good likeness to satisfy the website’s algorithm. Not so, it took many goes and I couldn’t detect any significant difference between those rejected and the one that was finally rated as “good”

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