Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


Eleven Years...YOWZA! I had to do the math because I couldn't believe it.

Brighter and Shinier

I look back at the "old days" of blipfoto fondly. Those were the days of handing out up to 5 stars. There wasn't a reply arrow so you had to journal hop. Frames were not allowed nor was any computer generated writing or graphics. Oh, and the Spotlight page!  How exciting it was to make the spotlight!  

But the more things change, the more they stay the same, like the wonderful sense of community.  The kindness, generosity of spirit and genuine caring are what motivates me to continue. For that, my friends, I am eternally grateful.

Laurie  xx 

EDIT: to answer a question, these are small silver colored rocks that are in my mom's crystal vase. 
As a spectator at the last Summer Olympics, I saw a guy walking around carrying a 10 foot long stick...
"Are you a pole vaulter?" I asked.
"No," he responded. "I'm a German. But how did you know my name is Walter?"

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