
By Marionb

It's A Wrap!

...Well, almost.... Only a couple of gifts left to wrap and then I can check that Christmas task off my list! 

I actually like gift-wrapping...To me, it isn't a chore... It is fun. I love the trappings of wrapping and I love to collect them all! To accommodate my supplies, years ago I set up a wrapping station in my laundry room - on the advice of Martha Stewart, of course, who seemed to imply that everyone should have one...

You would think I must have an over-abundance of friends and relatives with whom I exchange gifts, by the overabundance of ribbons, embellishments and wrapping papers I own!  Alas, not so. I just like all things colourful, shiny and glittery...and can't help but pick up fancy papers, ribbons and bows whenever I come across them. 

I rue the day that gift bags came along as they have limited the need for all these accoutrements...Wrapping gifts will soon become a lost art... and no fun at all!  

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