Bless     - Less
Blessed - Stressed

I had another trip to Warwick Hospital today.  The cardiac nurse wanted an INR reading of my warfarin level following the cut back on dosage and the impending 'procedure' tomorrow.  Because I have to isolate following the negative PCR test taken on Saturday, the blood test had to be taken in the hospital car park.  We were quite Stressed finding a parking space near the meeting spot, everywhere being jammed full, eventually Ann had to leave me there whilst she took the car elsewhere.  When I eventually had the blood test the machine was playing up and I ended up having to give blood from two different fingers, hence leaving me with Less blood.  Luckily the result was within the parameters required to hopefully ensure I do not have a repeat of last month's hematoma following the pacemaker procedure.

The day has been grey and dull.  In 'normal' times we may have considered going to the cinema,  instead I had a quick trawl through Amazon Prime and we chose a film at random to settle down and watch.  Puzzle starring Kelly Macdonald and Irrfan Khan; a nice choice.

Thanks to Laurie54 for hosting today's Mono Monday.

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