Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Winter Solstice

Today is the official start of winter and it is also the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.  So what better way to mark the day that with one of most common winter sparrows, the White-throated Sparrow.  Always jaunty with their white bib and yellow brows and their sweet whistled songs.

I started the day up at the Refuge where I met with three of my birder friends for a brisk 2 miles around the marsh.  It was very cold and windy out on the dykes, but also a fun time with a surprising 32 species of birds.  Back home in time for lunch and some play time with the pup.

Then, off to the optometrist to check in.  He is thrilled with how well the lenses are working for me and even asked if he could use my story in an Optometry group he belongs to (of course I said yes).  My cornea is already starting to heal which is really quite miraculous.  If all continues to go well, I won't see him for another six months at which time we will try switching out the soft contact for reading vision, keeping the scleral for distance.  Yippee.  

Planning to run over to a local farm tomorrow to pick up some locally produced poultry and meat.  And hopefully a nice long walk with the pup to give both of us some exercise.  

Today's chocolate was dark with mint again - delicious.


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