Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Number 50

How did I get to the last few weeks of 2021 without recording the ubiquitous Mourning Dove in my visual yard bird record for the year?  Maybe it is because they are one of my least favorite yard birds - I know they are beautiful, but they just aren't a favorite. Anyway, this one was perched some distance away when I snuck out to take a few pics this afternoon - the sun was behind it, shining through the trees which made for interesting bokeh.  

The pooch and I took a 1.5 mile walk in the park this afternoon which was good for both of us.  He did very well on the lead today which allowed us to keep a brisk pace for about 90% of the walk.  He's snoozing now and I am wishing I could be doing the same!  I let him sit in the back seat on the way home, using his new harness strap to keep him from leaping into the front seat.  He loved it and was very well behaved.  If only he hadn't farted.  Whew, that dog can let loose some nasty smells!  I'm told that pit bulls are known to be gassy so I'm assuming it's it pibble genes that give him a predisposition to gassiness.  One can only hope he grows out of it.

I'm still loving my lenses and happy to say that I found a new way of insetting the big scleral lens - got it in on the first try today!  Tomorrow afternoon I see the optometrist for a quick check.  I think he will be pleased at how well I'm doing with both lenses.  

Dark with ginger today.


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