
By LeeAnne


Pepsi loves a box.

This morning I was out of bed at half six and in M&S very early. I’m never keen to shop at Christmas but needs must and I figured going early would be sensible… Eugh! It was too busy for my liking and not enough people write lists so they’re wandering aimlessly and getting in the way. Not my cuppa at all!

I nipped for essential cat related stuff to the pet shop (it was dead) and then to Sainsbury’s for the stuff I couldn’t get in M&S. The contrast was quite surprising as Sainsbury’s was also dead so I was inclined to have a mooch in the home section. I was glad I did because I found a dinner set on sale with the perfect plates. I gave all but two of my plates to a student back in the summer who posted a desperate plea on Facebook and have been in search of the perfect plate ever since. Had I known my quest would take so long, I may have held onto them a bit longer given my dislike of doing dishes. In my grown up house, I shall have a dishwasher. Still… the perfect plate has now been found and the result is the cat having a perfect box. Win win!

I was back home and in my pjs by the back of nine, had a shower and coffee and did much of the same as yesterday. The weather has been grim… I’m hoping it’s not as grim tomorrow for my sunrise dip with LadyF!

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