A busy day

I spotted this lovely little tree at the cardiologist's office this morning.  A grateful patient had made them a lot of little origami envelopes, which they then used to decorate the tree.  It was really pretty seen up close.

Nothing of concern during this visit, although she has scheduled a stress test for me; it's quite a while since I had the last one.  I stopped at Central Market on the way home; I knew there would be a crowd but I had to drive around the parking lot several times to find a space.  I discovered that they do have that Thai Chicken Coconut Curry soup in stock, so I splurged and bought three packages, which I will dilute and add veggies to to make it more kidney friendly.  Checking out, I discovered that the person in front of me in line had almost literally bought out the store, but the cashier and bagger worked wonderfully quickly so it wasn't too onerous.  Getting out of the parking lot, on the other hand...

So then home to work on finally getting Lex's calendar done, only to find that Word has somehow been corrupted and was not cooperating at all.  In the end I had to delete the old document and start all over again after rebooting.  That has really set me back, as I'd hoped to finish it today and get it to Office Depot to be printed.

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