Little Elves

Phew what a day... We sat down to a tea of cheese and crackers (& g+ts!) at gone 11,30.
The morning was full of unexpected people - people needing help there and then, conversations, tlc needed for another friend who's had his most valuable possessions stolen whilst he slept on the street...and so it continued! In the middle was running up to Sa Penya to drop something for Sole (& again later with a turkey and some pork we'd been given!) and meeting a lady who'd made a huge sponge cake for our friends tomorrow... 
The afternoon consisted of food prep and everything else prep.. we're absolutely cream crackered! 
Late afternoon we gave the kids their new PJ's (matching dinosaur ones I picked up in Sainsbury's when I was back to surprise Dad!). Asha had bought each of our household a pair of slippers with her pocket money, so she handed those out and about - they went down a treat!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The kids getting stuck into all the prep for tomorrow. Planning for 40, hoping we have enough food!!
2) Reaching the end of the day and having a g+t with Danny. 
3) The advent group and how much I've enjoyed it/them. 

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