Fishy Friends

Today has all been about prepping food, collecting food from people who've contributed different elements etc. The owner of these fish has made a huge Victoria sponge for those who don't like mince pies. She lives out in the countryside and showed us round her fabulous garden full of fruits, veg and herbs. The kids loved seeing her ducks and chickens, and then finally these fish. We spent ages peacefully watching them. Unfortunately I left my camera at home, so no decent pics from me. 
Home to prep, have a minor panic at how few roast potatoes someone had done...then breathe out when someone coming tomorrow said they had some and will cook them for us - phew!
We had a lovely evening with the kids giving them some new pjs and Christmas socks, then take out burgers and a Christmas film. Utterly lovely. They're now in bed so we're back to prep - Danny's currently heat proofing storage boxes to put the lunches in!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The little WhatsApp group who've been reading through Luke this December. 
2) Tootling from place to place to pick up bits.
3) The kids excitement. 

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