Teamwork makes the dream work

The kids had a lovely morning opening stockings and gifts! Both were delighted with their presents. A festive breakfast of Panettone and then cooking the lunch. Different people had produced different elements which made it easier, and everyone congregated at midday to do last minute things and box up the dinners. 
A lovely afternoon with sunshine and friends. And we've converted a few people to British cuisine, ha! Lovely comments like 'the best Christmas I've had' etc...makes you realise how lonely people can be when a lunch in a takeout tin with some friends can count as being the best ever...
Unfortunately Danny really hurt his achilles when playing he's been in a lot of pain and only managed to hobble home at the end of everything. We've iced and elevated it, and he's taking ibuprofen...we'll see how he is in the morning. 
Asha's friend Charlie came over when we got home, so Asha was very happy about that!
Happy Christmas dear Blippers, hope you've had peaceful days.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Listening to a very old Christmas Graham Kendrick music as we did presents and cooking - takes me back to christmases of my youth!!
2) All the kind folks who helped out and made today special.
3) The significance of today and how this baby changed everything.

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