The day

A came through just before 7am, excited as she always is on Christmas Day, and we had a cup of tea with the crackling fire on the TV and the stuffed sacks that Santa had left(!). Called Mt&H after we’d got dressed and had our first Buck’s Fizz, and Mx was so excited to show us everything from his stocking (‘elf snot’ bath bubbles being a particular gem!). We had our bacon rolls then set off to the Pentlands for our walk. Delighted that as we drove there the skies cleared and we walked up Scald’s Law in bright winter sunshine just as A had hoped for when she was planning the day. It was cold, enough that the mud was hard but the puddles weren’t fully frozen over and was lovely, withPaisley enjoying an almost completely dog free time. As we walked we had calls from T and from N’s parents. T had closed the club before midnight last night as it was virtually empty…good in terms of having a better night’s sleep but worrying in terms of the survival of the business. He was on his way to take a present to P’s before coming home to cook a huge rib of beef, although they have fewer guests today and in the next week than they’d hoped given some family positive tests.
Home and we watched the lift off of the new space telescope, called P to say Happy Christmas, got changed and did some prep for lunch then made some more Buck’s Fizz and opened our stocking presents. Lots of great stuff including both A and myself getting labelling machines, and a heavy emphasis on comfy cozy things!
A few last minute panics with the lunch in terms of getting everything heated up, but it all came together and we had a suitably groaning table.
The rest of the day was a bit of a blur. We struggled to fit in the planned sandwich supper and only played a couple of games but we did tick them all off the list in the end. A&N did all the washing and clearing up and we played UNO til past midnight then collapsed into bed.
Happy Christmas everyone!

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