By lizzie_birkett

Boxing Day in Moniaive

We left Sabrina’s early this morning and arrived at Anna’s in Moniaive at 9.30am. It was snowing a bit when we left and the Dalveen Pass looked beautiful with a light dusting making all the contours and hollows more pronounced. Such a stunning part of SW Scotland.

After a cuppa and a catch up with Anna, Poppy and Arlo arrived to spend the afternoon with us. Anna is working at 4pm and we are then going with Poppy and Arlo to their Dad’s. Thankfully Anna and Peter are still friends after they split up 2 years ago. It makes life much easier for everyone.

We just had a lovely lunch of leftovers courtesy of Sabrina and John.
We had to clear their fridge for them before we and they left.

Poppy is drawing and colouring in just now, she’s really good at art and doing excellent shading. Arlo is snuggling with Bella and about to start an LED crystal kit. 
Poppy won’t let me take a photo of her.

Sabrina just sent photos of them all masked up on the plane. Soon they’ll be in sunny Spain although it will be dark on arrival I think.

Hope you’re all relaxing after a busy Christmas Day.

Thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts X

UPDATE: Not going to Peter’s now as his partner Fiona’s boy has been with his dad over the last couple of days and his dad has tested positive for Covid and Peter was with him and Fiona yesterday :-/

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