Quick capture before the snow disappeared

It was raining by the time I took this so the snow disappeared quite quickly.  The day didn’t improve though and by afternoon the cloud had descended and shrouded the hillside in fog.  The furthest I got yesterday was to feed the birds.  Quite a few pheasants who have learnt where to find a source of food, even if it’s only the seeds other birds drop.  (Goldfinches are very messy eaters.)
I’m still not into actually taking photos, which is unusual for me - maybe the wet, damp, misty weather doesn’t help, but I did get as far as loading ICC Profiles for printing some blank cards that I bought months ago and setting up a template on Lightroom.  I’d like a mix of Ann’s words and my images, so I need to do a bit more research and planning.
An afternoon catch-up with GG on messenger and then I decided to cook my duck breast and add veggies (which was very nice), but unfortunately I forgot that I was supposed to be talking with my brother (I only seem to be able to focus on one thing at a time at the moment,). Sorry Nic, if you read this post.  
I watched the first episode of `A very British Scandal’, and I’m not sure what I think about it.  It’s well done, but I’m not really into drama series about the rich over-privileged class and this is `one’ of those.  We are currently suffering the consequences of the same kinds of attitudes that are being perpetuated.  Why the English are willing to put their lives in the hands of this kind of person I really don’t understand.  No doubt we will not be putting any restrictions on people this month, even though there are dangers of the health service becoming overwhelmed.

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