Sweetie Tweetie Pie

Form time this morning was a flurry of activity as a couple of my students and I discussed cameras and played with Amanda's new toy. Much discussion about whether it should be a boy or a girl? Should it be called Carlisle (we already have school blippers with the camera names Edward and Jasper and they've called mine Emmett - wince!). Cass or my daughter as she is otherwise known, wanted a photo of me and her for her blip, so I obliged her.

Later on, at lunch, they both came back over to collect their cameras, which I'd been looking after for them in my office. Two other Year 11 girls came racing around the corner with this wee gem in one of their hands. After relieving itself on her hand, it flew off to the safety of a railing. They ran off. They'd rescued it from some boys who were going to 'hurt' it. Little so and sos - If I'd seen it ....

Anyway, after much photographing (three cameras!), I figured that the railing, being close to my classroom and getting quite a bit of foot traffic, wasn't the safest place for it. So I popped it on this branch where it just looked at me. So I took some more photos.

I don't hold out much hope for the poor wee Wax-Eye. It looks quite young. You never know though, I guess. It had gone when I checked later on.

In other news:

I went to look at another Caldina. It looks pretty good. However, the battery died when we took it out for the test drive. We're going back to look at it once they've got that sorted!

Drinking a Caol Ila and listening to Chris Isaak.

And that, folks, was Friday. :)

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