Granny Wendy's 12 Years Blip!

Euan and his Mummy and Daddy go home tomorrow so Euan helped me to make my special sign and to take my blip.  As a budding photographer himself, he was very interested in the tripod and how it worked.

Twelve years of blipping, crikey, that's a significant chunk of my life to date and a fantastic record of our family adventures, fun with friends, garden birds, the list is endless.  Sadly, some of the folks who first introduced me to Blip and whom I first followed, no longer blip but I am still in touch with them and itchythumbs has just sent a Christmas card with a super photo of husband K and the ten month old twins.

Blip has evolved over the years but remains true to Joe Tree's original intentions for the site.  It is a safe place, free of the horrors of other social media sites, supportive of its members and where friendships online and in reality, flourish.  I have missed Blipmeets over the pandemic times and hope that 2022 will see them restored.

Meanwhile, thank you Euan, thank you Blip Team and Happy New Year to you all!

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