The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

Resolutions (and the price of admission)

One last bit of a ramble for Selfie Week here in the Pepper Patch. So far I have resolved that in '22 I will:

CR#1: "Be more like Uncle Bud" - Take my digital camera settings off auto (think before click), shoot film (the are some cameras on my shelf that deserve better than sitting there just gathering dust- see extra), and print the good stuff (create something tangible, something that can be held or displayed or admired).

CR#2: "Rise Up Singing" - (get the songs I write out of that ratty old loose-leaf binder and learn how to record and share them).

Only two resolutions but it will involve a shift in time and creative priorities. Among other things I'll spend less time posting on digital platforms like Blipfoto and the thought of that has been bringing me down (the "price of admission " I mentioned.). Then, with a flash of brilliance I realized that there's nothing in the rules (which I break anyway) that says I can't wander through and comment on your journals just because I haven't blipped anything that day (or week or ...).

So, Blip folks, CR#3 for 2022 will be "stay in touch". 

Happy New Year ... as always my wish and prayer for you is that you have just enough of what you need and more of what you love.

... and the adventure continues. 

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