A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Happy New Year

I sincerely hope that 2022 brings you peace, happiness, good health and the freedom to see all those you wish to see where ever they are in the world.

A New Year’s Day walk around Goit Stock, don’t think we’ve been down here since last summer. Nice to think, as we walk along, of future walks over the coming weeks watching out for Dippers collecting nest materials and looking for signs of Spring flowers pushing through on the banks of the beck.
It was ridiculously warm for the first day of January as you can see by my unfastened jacket. Think me being on this qualifies it for Silly Saturday! 
Enjoyed a coffee at Sandybanks garden Centre before returning home.

Shortly we will be meeting friends, as we have done for 25 years on NY’s D, to celebrate our very good friend R’s birthday. R (Mr Corinthian column) is sadly not here to celebrate with us today but we will commemorate him royally in the usual way at the local village pub.

Here’s to his memory (he is much missed) and to a better year ahead.

The extra (now inset) is a sign I haven’t seen before. (Good to have some extras back!)
There was a tragic death at the waterfall last year. I’ve lived nearby since childhood and I recall hearing of dog dying in there but people still let them jump in and it always makes me cringe. Many people swim too with a regular early morning group of female skinny dippers I believe! This, I suspect, is the land owners just covering themselves. 

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